Winnipeg Ultrasound Forum 2024

Anderson localization, food Science and negative refraction

(July 15th to July 26th, 2024)

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The purpose of the Winnipeg Ultrasound Forum 2024 is to celebrate the pioneering work of the Winnipeg research group, and initiate collaborations among researchers in order to inspire future projects in the field of ultrasonic wave physics and its applications.

Scheduled to take place from July 15th to July 26th, 2024, the event will feature collaborative projects which will be conducted at the Ultrasonics Research Laboratory in Winnipeg, focusing on two main topics:

         - Propagation in complex media ;

         - Materials characterization.

Each topic will provide a platform for seminars and discussions on results and ideas as well as small-scale experiments using the equipment available at the Ultrasonics Research Laboratory. As a common thread, all participants have the opportunity to collaborate on drafting a comprehensive review summarizing the major results of Winnipeg’s research group and exploring potential avenues for future research involving ultrasound in complex media.

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  • Anatoliy Strybulevych (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)
  • Antton Goicoechea (Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique / CNRS)
  • Bart van Tiggelen (Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés/CNRS)
  • Fabrice Lemoult (Institut Langevin / ESPCI)
  • Fanambinana Delmotte (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)
  • Filiz Koksel (Food and Human Nutritional Sciences / University of Manitoba)
  • Gabe Lekhno (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)
  • Laura Cobus (University of Auckland)
  • Martin Scanlon (Food and Human Nutritional Sciences / University of Manitoba)
  • Reine-Marie Guillermic (Université de Saint-Boniface)
  • Stéphane Job ( Laboratoire Quartz / ISAE-SUPMECA)
  • Thomas Brunet (Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie / INP Bordeaux)
  • Tomohisa Norisuye (Materials Innovation Lab. / Kyoto Institute of Technology)
  • Tony Valier-Brasier (Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert / Sorbonne Université)
  • Valentin Leroy (Matière et Systèmes Complexes / CNRS)
  • John H. Page (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)
  • Maxime Lanoy (Laboratoire d'Acoustique / Le Mans Université)
  • Benoît Tallon (Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert / Sorbonne Université)


Scientific Comitee

  • Bart van Tiggelen (Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés/CNRS)
  • Valentin Leroy (Matière et Systèmes Complexes / CNRS)
  • John H. Page (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)


Organizing Comitee

  • John H. Page (Ultrasonics Research Laboratory / University of Manitoba)
  • Maxime Lanoy (Laboratoire d'Acoustique / Le Mans Université)
  • Benoît Tallon (Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert / Sorbonne Université)



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With the support of the French Embassy in Canada, Sonaxis, and the University of Manitoba





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