Articles et actes de conférence publiés dans des revues

Mis à jour 3 janvier 2011

1. Abdelmoula R., Marigo J.-J., and Weller T., Construction of fatigue laws from cohesive forces models: the mode I case. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2009. 337(3): p. 166–172.

2. Abdelmoula R., Marigo J.-J., and Weller T., Construction of a fatigue law from a cohesive force model: the mode III case. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2009. 337(1): p. 53–59.

3. Abou-El-Azm Aly A., Nicolleau F., Michelitsch T. M., and Nowakowski A. F., Effect of inertia on the fractal dimension of particle line in three-dimensional turbulent flows using kinematic simulation. International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering 2009. 3(1): p. 15–19.

4. Abou-El-Azm Aly A., Nicolleau F., Michelitsch T. M., and Nowakowski A. F., Effect of particle gravity on the fractal dimension of particle line in three-dimensional turbulent flows using kinematic simulation. International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering 2009. 3(1): p. 20–24.

5. Afkhami S., Zaleski S., and Bussmann M., A mesh-dependent model for applying dynamic contact angles to VOF simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(15): p. 5370-5389.

6. Amor H., Marigo J.-J., and Maurini C., Regularized formulation of the variational brittle fracture with unilateral contact: Numerical experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009. 57(8): p. 1209–1229.

7. Bavu E. and Berry A., High-resolution imaging of sound sources in free field using a numerical time-reversal sink. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 2009. 95(4): p. 595–606.

8. Béchet F., Millet O., and Sanchez-Palencia E., Adaptive and anisotropic mesh strategy for thin shell problems. Case of inhibited parabolic shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009. 46(3–4): p. 534-556.

9. Béchet F., Sanchez-Palencia E., and Millet O., Singular perturbations generating complexification phenomena for elliptic shells. Computational Mechanics, 2009. 43(2): p. 207–221.

10. Belloncle–Vlasie V. and Rousseau M., Ultrasonic measurement of pretreated aluminium joints durability during hot cycles. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2009. 20(3): p. 131–144.

11. Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J., and Maugin G. A., Internal Variables and Scale Separation in Dynamics of Microstructured Solids (Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium on Scaling in Solid Mechanics 2007). IUTAM Symposium on Scaling in Solid Mechanics, 2009. 10: p. 69-80.

12. Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J., and Maugin G.A., One-dimensional microstructure dynamics (Proc. of the 11th EUROMECH-MECAMAT Conference on Mechanics of Microstructured Solids, 2008). Mechanics of Microstructured Solids, 2009. 46: p. 21–28.

13. Bouhoubeiny E. and Druault P., Note on the POD-based time interpolation from successive PIV images. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2009. 337(11–12): p. 776-780.

14. Brault P., Josserand C., Bauchire J.-M., Caillard A., Charles C., and Boswell R. W., Anomalous diffusion mediated by atom deposition into a porous substrate. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 102(4): p. 045901.

15. Brito-Santana H., Rodriguez-Ramos R., Guinovart-Diaz R., Bravo-Castillero J., Sabina F. J., and Maugin G. A., Unified formulae of variational bounds for multiphase anisotropic elastic composites. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009. 79(3): p. 189-204.

16. Brunac J.-B., Gerardin O., and Leblond J.-B., On the heuristic extension of Haigh's diagram for the fatigue of elastomers to arbitrary loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, 2009. 31(5): p. 859-867.

17. Brunet T., Thomas J.-L., Marchiano R., and Coulouvrat F., Experimental observation of azimuthal shock waves on nonlinear acoustical vortices. New Journal of Physics, 2009. 11(1): p. 013002.

18. Cazottes P., Fernandes A., Pouget J., and Hafez M., Bistable Buckled Beam: Modeling of Actuating Force and Experimental Validations. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2009. 131(10): p. 101001.

19. Cazottes P., Fernandes A., Pouget J., and Hafez M., Design of actuation for bistable structures using smart materials (Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, 2008). Smart Materials & Micro/Nanosystems, 2009. 54: p. 287-292.

20. Cervone A., Manservisi S., Scardovelli R., and Zaleski S., A geometrical predictor-corrector advection scheme and its application to the volume fraction function. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(2): p. 406-419.

21. Chambolle A., Francfort G.A., and Marigo J.-J., When and how do cracks propagate? Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009. 57(9): p. 1614–1622.

22. Chibbaro S., Costa E., Dimitrov D.I., Diotallevi F., Milchev A., Palmieri D., Pontrelli G., and Succi S., Capillary Filling in Microchannels with Wall Corrugations: A Comparative Study of the Concus-Finn Criterion by Continuum, Kinetic, and Atomistic Approaches. Langmuir, 2009. 25(21): p. 12653-12660.

23. Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagrée P.-Y., Pelorson X., and Payan Y., Modelling the human pharyngeal airway: validation of numerical simulations using in vitro experiments. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2009. 47(1): p. 49–58.

24. Clauvelin N., Audoly B., and Neukirch S., Matched asymptotic expansions for twisted elastic knots: a self-contact problem with non-trivial contact topology. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009. 57(9): p. 1623–56.

25. Clauvelin N., Audoly B., and Neukirch S., Elasticity and electrostatics of plectonemic DNA. Biophysical Journal, 2009. 96(9): p. 3716-3723.

26. Conoir J.-M., Robert S., El Mouhtadi A., and Luppe F., The WKB method applied to the reflection-transmission by a depth-varying random distribution of cylinders in a fluid slab-like region (Proc. of the 5th Meeting of the Anglo-French-Research-Group, 2008). Ultrasonic Wave Propagtion in Non Homogeneous Media, 2009. 128: p. 1–13.

27. Conoir J.-M., Robert S., El Mouhtadi A., and Luppé F., Reflection and transmission at low concentration by a depth-varying random distribution of cylinders in a fluid-like region. Wave Motion, 2009. 46: p. 522–538.

28. Coulouvrat F., A quasi-analytical shock solution for general nonlinear progressive waves. Wave Motion, 2009. 46(2): p. 97–107.

29. David C. and Sagaut P., Structural stability of finite dispersion-relation preserving schemes. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009. 41(4): p. 2193-2199.

30. David C. and Sagaut P., Spurious solitons and structural stability of finite difference schemes for nonlinear wave equations. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009. 41(2): p. 655-660.

31. David C., Sagaut P., and Sengupta T., A linear dispersive mechanism for numerical error growth: spurious caustics. European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids, 2009. 28(1): p. 146–151.

32. Dayma G., Togbe C., and D. P., Detailed Kinetic Mechanism for the Oxidation of Vegetable Oil Methyl Esters: New Evidence from Methyl Heptanoate. Energy & Fuels, 2009. 23: p. 4254–4268.

33. De Martel E., Garnier E., and Sagaut P., Large Eddy Simulation of Impinging Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction at M=2.3 (Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, 2007). IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, 2009. 14: p. 443–456.

34. De Pascalis R., Rajagopal K.R., and Saccomandi G., Remarks on the use and misuse of the semi-inverse method in the nonlinear theory of elasticity. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 2009. 62(4): p. 451–463.

35. Defrance G., Daudet L., and Polack J.-D., Using Matching Pursuit for Estimating Mixing Time Within Room Impulse Responses. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 2009. 95(6): p. 1071–1081.

36. Delbende I. and Rossi M., The dynamics of a viscous vortex dipole. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(7): p. 073605.

37. Destrade M., Annaidh A. N., and Coman C. D., Bending instabilities of soft biological tissues. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009. 46(25–26): p. 4322–4330.

38. Destrade M., Ogden R. W., and Saccomandi G., Small amplitude waves and stability for a pre-stressed viscoelastic solid. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2009. 60(3): p. 511–528.

39. Di Marcoberardino L., Marchal J., Cervenka P., Buego S., and Alippi A., Imaging multi armonico applicato allo studio del fondale marino. Rivista Italiana di Acustica, 2009. 33(3): p. 30–34.

40. Diaz J. I. and Sanchez-Palencia E., On a problem of slender, slightly hyperbolic, shells suggested by Torroja's structures. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2009. 337(1): p. 1–7.

41. Diaz J. I. and Sanchez-Palencia E., Stabilization beyond the distributions. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas, 2009. 103(1): p. 167–175.

42. Dion J.-L., Le Moyne S., Chevallier G., and Sebbah H., Gear impacts and idle gear noise: Experimental study and non-linear dynamic model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2009. 23(8): p. 2608–2628.

43. Dipankar A., Marchiano R., and Sagaut P., Trajectory of an optical vortex in atmospheric turbulence. Physical Review E, 2009. 80(4): p. 046609.

44. Dipankar A. and S. P., A new phase-screen method for electromagnetic wave propagation in turbulent flows using large-eddy simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(20): p. 7729–7741.

45. El Mabsout B., Kamel O.M., and Soliman A.S., The optimization of the orbital Hohmann transfer. Acta Astronautica, 2009. 65(7-8): p. 1094–1097.

46. Enakoutsa K. and Leblond J.-B., Numerical implementation and assessment of the GLPD micromorphic model of ductile rupture. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2009. 28(3): p. 445–460.

47. Ferdjani H., Abdelmoula R., Marigo J.-J., and S. Borgi, Study of size effects in the Dugdale model through the case of a crack in a semi-infinite plane under anti-plane shear loading. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2009. 21(1): p. 41-55.

48. Feulvarch E., Bergheau J. M., and Leblond J.-B., An implicit finite element algorithm for the simulation of diffusion with phase changes in solids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009. 78(12): p. 1492-1512.

49. Fullana J.-M. and Zaleski S., A branched one-dimensional model of vessel networks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2009. 621: p. 183–204.

50. Fuster D., Agbaglah G., Josserand C., Popinet S., and Zaleski S., Numerical simulation of droplets, bubbles and waves: state of the art. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2009. 41(6): p. 065001.

51. Fuster D., Bagué A., Boeck T., Le Moyne L., Leboissetier A., Popinet S., Ray P., Scardovelli R., and Zaleski S., Simulation of primary atomization with an octree adaptive mesh refinement and VOF method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2009. 35(6): p. 550–565.

52. Gerolymos G. A., Sénéchal D., and Vallet I., Very-high-order WENO schemes. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(23): p. 8481–8524.

53. Gerolymos G. A. and Vallet I., Implicit meanfow-multigrid algorithms for Reynolds stress model computation of 3-D anisotropy-driven and compressible flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2009. 61(2): p. 185–219.

54. Ghangir F., Nowakowski A. F., Nicolleau F. C. G. A., and T.M. Michelitsch, The application of HLLC numerical solver to the reduced multiphase model. International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering 2009. 3(2): p. 74–80.

55. Gomez T., Flutet V., and Sagaut P., Contribution of Reynolds stress distribution to the skin friction in compressible turbulent channel flows. Physical Review E, 2009. 79(3): p. 035301.

56. Goriely A., Neukirch S., and Hausrath A., Polyhelices through n points. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 2009. 5 (2): p. 118–132.

57. Kakou A., Bézie Y., Mercier N., Louis H., Labat C., Challande P., Lacolley P., and Safar M., Selective reduction of central pulse pressure under angiotensin blockage in SHR: Role of the fibronectin-alpha5beta1 integrin complex. American Journal of Hypertension, 2009. 22: p. 711–717.

58. Ke Y., Beaucour A. L., S. Ortola, and Dumontet H., Influence of volume fraction and characteristics of lightweight aggregates on the mechanical properties of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2009. 23(8): p. 2821–2828.

59. Lacolley P., Challande P., Osborne-Pellegrin M., and Regnault V., Genetics and pathophysiology of arterial stiffness. Cardiovascular Research, 2009. 81(4): p. 637-648.

60. Larocque J., Riviere N., Vincent S., Reungoat D., Faure J.-P., Heliot J.P., Caltagirone J.-P., and Moreau M., Macroscopic analysis of a turbulent round liquid jet impinging on an air/water interface in a confined medium. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(6): p. 065110.

61. Léné F., Duvaut G., Olivier-Mailhe M., Ben Chaabane S., and Grihon S., An advanced methodology for optimum design of a composite stiffened cylinder (Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, 2007). Composite Structures, 2009. 91(4): p. 392–397.

62. Lerbet J., Absi E., and Rigolot A., About the stability of nonconservative undamped elastic systems: some new elements. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2009. 9(2): p. 357–367.

63. Lhuillier D., Migration of rigid particles in non-Brownian viscous suspensions. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(2): p. 023302.

64. Loubeau A. and Coulouvrat F., Effects of Meteorological Variability on Sonic Boom Propagation from Hypersonic Aircraft. AIAA Journal, 2009. 47(11): p. 2632–2641.

65. Lucor D. and Triantafyllou M. S., Parametric Study of Two Degree-of-Freedom Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Cylinder in a Two-Dimensional Flow (Proc. of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, 2007). IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, 2009. 14: p. 223–233.

66. Mamou-Mani A., Frelat J., and Besnainou C., Prestressed Soundboards: Analytical Approach Using Simple Systems Including Geometric Nonlinearity. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2009. 95(5): p. 915–928.

67. Marié S., Ricot D., and Sagaut P., Comparison between lattice Boltzmann method and Navier-Stokes high order schemes for computational aeroacoustics. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(4): p. 1056-1070.

68. Maugin G. A., On inhomogeneity, growth, ageing and the dynamics of materials. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2009. 4(4): p. 731–741.

69. Maugin G. A., On modelling electromagnetomechanical interactions in deformable solids. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 2009. 1/1: p. 25–32.

70. Maugin G. A. and Berezovski A., On the propagation of singular surfaces in thermoelasticity (Proc. of the 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, 2008). Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2009. 32(6–7): p. 557-592.

71. Maurini C., Pouget J., and Vidoli S., Bistable buckled beam: Modelling and piezoelectric actuation (Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, 2008). Smart Materials & Micro/Nanosystems, 2009. 54: p. 281-286.

72. Mazeyrat J., Romain O., Lautru D., Wong M.F., Berthier B., Lagrée P.-Y., Gerbeau J.-F., Deplano V., Leprince P., and Bonneau M., ENDOCOM: A wireless endoprosthesis dedicated to the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysms (Meeting Abstract). International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2009. 32(7): p. 411–411.

73. Mercier N., Kakou A., Challande P., Lacolley P., and Osborne-Pellegrin M., Comparison of the effects of Semicarbazide and beta-aminopropionitrile on the arterial extracellular matrix in the Brown Norway rat. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2009. 239(3): p. 258–257.

74. Michelitsch T. M., Maugin G. A., Nicolleau F. C. G. A., Nowakovski A. F., and Derogar S., Dispersion relations and wave operators in self-similar quasi-continuous linear chains. Physical Review E, 2009. 80(1): p. 011135.

75. Michelitsch T. M., Maugin G. A., Nowakowski A. F., and Nicolleau F. C. G. A., Analysis of the vibrational mode spectrum of a linear chain with spatially exponential properties. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2009. 47(2): p. 209–220.

76. Neukirch S. and Starostin E.L., Reply to “Comment on ‘Writhe formulas and antipodal points in plectonemic DNA configurations’ ”. Physical Review E, 2009. 80: p. 063902.

77. Nguyen X., Rakotonanahary D., Chaskalovic J., and Fleury B., Insomnia symptoms and CPAP use in OSAS patients: A data mining analysis (Meeting Abstract 604, 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated-Professional-Sleep-Societies, 2009). Sleep, 2009. 32: p. A198–A198.

78. Niu Z., Ge D., Cheng C., Ye J., and Recho N., Evaluation of the stress singularities of plane V-notches in bonded dissimilar materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009. 33(3): p. 1776–1792.

79. Overholt D., Thompson J., Putnam L., Bell B., Kleban J., Sturm B., and Kuchera-Morin J., A Multimodal System for Gesture Recognition in Interactive Music Performance more options. Computer Music Journal, 2009. 33(4): p. 69-82.

80. Pamies M., Weiss P.-E., Garnier E., Deck S., and Sagaut P., Generation of synthetic turbulent inflow data for large eddy simulation of spatially evolving wall-bounded flows. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(4): p. 045103.

81. Peet Y. and Sagaut P., Theoretical prediction of turbulent skin friction on geometrically complex surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(10): p. 105105.

82. Peet Y., Sagaut P., and Charron Y., Pressure loss reduction in Hydrogen pipelines by surface restructuring. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009. 34(21): p. 8964–8973.

83. Poëtte G., Després B., and Lucor D., Uncertainty quantification for systems of conservation laws. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(7): p. 2443-2467.

84. Porubov A. V., Aero E. L., and Maugin G. A., Two approaches to study essentially nonlinear and dispersive properties of the internal structure of materials. Physical Review E, 2009. 79(4): p. 046608.

85. Porubov A. V. and Maugin G. A., Cubic non-linearity and longitudinal surface solitary waves. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2009. 44(5): p. 552–559.

86. Quesada D., Leguillon D., and Putot C., Multiple failures in or around a stiff inclusion embedded in a soft matrix under a compressive loading. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2009. 28(4): p. 668–679.

87. Quesada D., Picard D., Putot C., and Leguillon D., The role of the interbed thickness on the step-over fracture under overburden pressure. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2009. 46(2): p. 281–288.

88. Ricot D., Marie S., Sagaut P., and Bailly C., Lattice Boltzmann method with selective viscosity filter. Journal of Computational Physics, 2009. 228(12): p. 4478–4490.

89. Roubeau B., Henrich N., and Castellengo M., Laryngeal Vibratory Mechanisms: The Notion of Vocal Register Revisited. Journal of Voice, 2009. 23(4): p. 425–438.

90. Ruas V., Brasil A., and Trales P., An explicit method for convection-diffusion equations. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009. 26(1): p. 65–91.

91. Ruas V. and Carneiro de Araujo J. H., A quadratic triangle of the Hermite type for second order elliptic problems. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2009. 89(6): p. 445–453.

92. Sagaut P. and Deck S., Large eddy simulation for aerodynamics: status and perspectives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2009. 367(1899): p. 2849-2860.

93. Shim J. W. and Gatignol R., Microchannel Flow with Lattice Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Method. Houille Blanche-Revue Internationale de l'Eau, 2009.(5): p. 120–126.

94. Staron L. and Lajeunesse E., Understanding how volume affects the mobility of dry debris flows. Geophysical Research Letters, 2009. 36: p. L12402.

95. Sturm B.L., Roads C., McLeran A., and Shynk J.J., Analysis, Visualization, and Transformation of Audio Signals Using Dictionary-based Methods. Journal of New Music Research, 2009. 38(4): p. 325–341.

96. Vannucci P., ALE-PSO: An adaptive swarm algorithm to solve design problems of laminates. Algorithms, 2009. 2(2): p. 710–734.

97. Vannucci P., Influence of invariant material parameters on the flexural optimal design of thin anisotropic laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2009. 51(3): p. 192-203.

98. Vannucci P., Barsotti R., and Bennati S., Exact optimal flexural design of laminates. Composite Structures, 2009. 90(3): p. 337–345.

99. Vu Q. H., Bouchelaghem F., and Ben Hamida A., A micromechanical numerical modelling approach for the homogenisation of grouted sands. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2009: p. 72–82.

100. Weiss P-E., Deck S., Robinet J.-C., and Sagaut P., On the dynamics of axisymmetric turbulent separating/reattaching flows. Physics of Fluids, 2009. 21(7): p. 075103.

101. Yaghoobi M., Daudet L., and Davies M.E., Parametric Dictionary Design for Sparse Coding. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2009. 57(12): p. 4800–4810.


Articles et actes de conférence publiés dans des revues

1. Alshits V. I., Deschamps M., Ducasse E., Lyubimov V. N., and Maugin G. A., Spectral anomalies of waveguide electromagnetic modes in layered structures. Physics of the Solid State, 2008. 50(5): p. 860-872.

2. Alshits V. I. and Maugin G. A., Dynamics of anisotropic multilayers (Proc. of International Symposium on Mechanical Waves in Solids, 2006). Wave Motion, 2008. 45(5): p. 629-640.

3. Ameur D., Croizet C., Maroteaux F., and Gatignol R., Simulation of pressure and temperature driven flows in microchannels. AIP Conference Proceedings, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2008: p. 1129-34.

4. Apel T., Leguillon D., Pester C., and Yosibash Z., Edge singularities and structure of the 3-D Williams expansion. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(8): p. 629–635.

5. Audoly B. and Boudaoud A., Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrate (part I). Formulation, linear stability of cylindrical patterns, secondary bifurcations. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008. 56(7): p. 2401–2421.

6. Audoly B. and Boudaoud A., Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrat (part II). A global scenario for the formation of herringbone pattern. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008. 56(7): p. 2422–2443.

7. Audoly B. and Boudaoud A., Buckling of a thin film bound to a compliant substrate (part III). Herringbone solutions at large buckling parameter. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008. 56(7): p. 2444–2458.

8. Baudoin M., Thomas J.-L., and Coulouvrat F., On the influence of spatial correlations on sound propagation in concentrated solutions of rigid particles. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008. 123(6): p. 4127-4139.

9. Baudoin M., Thomas J.-L., Coulouvrat F., and Chanéac C., Acoustic shock wave propagation through solutions of nano-particles (Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear, 2008). Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1022: p. 241-244.

10. Béchet F., Sanchez-Palencia E., and Millet O., Computing singular perturbations for linear elliptic shells (Proc. of Workshop on Challenges in Computational Mechanics, 2006). Computational Mechanics, 2008. 42(2): p. 287–304.

11. Bergou M., Wardetzky M., Robinson S., Audoly B., and Grinspun E., Discrete elastic rods. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2008. 27(3): p. 63–74.

12. Bouchut F., Fernández-Nieto E.D., Mangeney A., and Lagrée P.-Y., On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches. Acta Mechanica, 2008. 199(1–4): p. 181–208.

13. Bourdin B., Francfort G. A., and M. J.-J., Untitled. Journal of Elasticity, 2008. 91(1–3): p. 3–4.

14. Bourdin B., Francfort G. A., and Marigo J.-J., The variational approach to fracture. Journal of Elasticity, 2008. 91(1–3): p. 5–148.

15. Brasil A. P., de Araujo J. H. C., and Ruas V., A new algorithm for simulating viscoelastic flows accommodating piecewise linear finite elements (Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, 2005). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008. 215(2): p. 311–319.

16. Capdeville Y. and Marigo J.-J., Shallow layer correction for spectral element like methods. Geophysical Journal International, 2008. 172(3): p. 1135–1150.

17. Cazottes P., Fernandes A., Pouget J., and Hafez M., Actuation of bistable buckled beams with Macro-Fiber Composites. 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems, Vols 1-3, Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1–3: p. 564-569.

18. Charlotte M., Dumouchel P.-E., and Marigo J.-J., Dynamic fracture: an example of convergence towards a discontinuous quasistatic solution. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2008. 20(1): p. 1–19.

19. Chassaing J.-C., Sayma A. I., and Imregun M., A combined time and frequency domain approach for acoustic resonance prediction. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008. 311(3–5): p. 1100-1113.

20. Chassaing J.C. and Gerolymos G.A., Time-linearized time-harmonic 3-D Navier-Stokes shock-capturing schemes International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2008 56(3): p. 279-303.

21. Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagrée P.-Y., Pelorson X., and Payan Y., Numerical and experimental study of expiratory flow in the case of major upper airway obstructions with fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2008. 24(2): p. 250-269.

22. Clauvelin N., Audoly B., and Neukirch S., Mechanical response of plectonemic DNA: an analytical solution. Macromolecules, 2008. 41(12): p. 4479–4483.

23. Coman C. D. and Destrade M., Asymptotic results for bifurcations in pure bending of rubber blocks. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 2008. 61: p. 395-414.

24. Coulouvrat F., Parabolic approximation in ray coordinates for high-frequency nonlinear waves in a inhomogeneous and high speed moving fluid. Wave Motion, 2008. 45(6): p. 804-820.

25. Coulouvrat F., Loubeau A., and Marchiano R., Shock waves and absorption of general nonlinear progressive waves (Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics). Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1022: p. 42-45.

26. Croizet C. and Gatignol R., Eulerian Description of a Heterogeneous Dispersed Medium in the Frame of the Standard Enskog Theory. AIP Conference Proceedings, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2008: p. 27–32.

27. Dagrau F., Coulouvrat F., Marchiano R., and Héron N., Nonlinear shock wave propagation in heterogeneous fluids: a numerical approach beyond the parabolic approximation with application to sonic boom (Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics). Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1022: p. 389-392.

28. Dayma G., Gail S., and Dagaut P., Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the oxidation of methyl hexanoate. Energy & Fuels, 2008. 22(3): p. 1469-1479.

29. De La Cuadra P., Fabre B., Montgermont N., and Chafe C., Analysis of flute control parameters: a comparison between a novice and an experienced flautist. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2008. 94(5): p. 740-749.

30. De Souza C., Béchet F., Leguillon D., and Sanchez-Palencia E., Anisotropic adaptive mesh procedure for computing very thin hyperbolic shells (Proc. of the Conference on Perspectives in Numerical Analysis, 2008). BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2008. 48(2): p. 357–387.

31. Décobert J., Dupuis N., Lagree P.Y., and Lagay N., 240 nm wide wavelength range of AlGaInAs MQWs selectively grown by MOVPE. 2008 IEEE 20th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM), 2008: p. 10412094 (4 p).

32. Defrance G., Daudet L., and Polack J.-D., Finding the onset of a room impulse response: straigthforward? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008. 124(4): p. EL248–254.

33. Desmorat B. and Desmorat R., Topology optimization in damage governed low cycle fatigue. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(5): p. 448-453.

34. Destrade M. and Fu Y., A wave near the edge of a circular disk. The Open Acoustics Journal, 2008. 1: p. 15–18.

35. Destrade M., Ogden R. W., and Saccomandi G., Small amplitude waves and stability for a pre-stressed viscoelastic solid. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2008. 60(3): p. 511–528.

36. Destrade M. and Saccomandi G., Nonlinear transverse waves in deformed dispersive solids. Wave Motion, 2008. 45(3): p. 325-336.

37. Devauchelle O., Josserand C., Lagrée P.-Y., and Zaleski S., Mobile bank conditions for laminar microrivers. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 2008. 340(11): p. 732–740.

38. Deville M., Le T. H., and Sagaut P., Special issue of the "Turbulence and Interaction - TI2006". Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2008. 80(1): p. 1–2.

39. Dong Y. H. and Sagaut P., A study of time correlations in lattice Boltzmann-based large-eddy simulation of isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 2008. 20(3): p. 035105.

40. Dong Y. H., Sagaut P., and Marié S., Inertial consistent subgrid model for large-eddy simulation based on the lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids, 2008. 20(3): p. 035104.

41. Duan Y., Boitout F., Leblond J.-B., and B. J.-M., Numerical simulation of welding of large structures using a local/global approach. Mecanique & Industries, 2008. 9(2): p. 97–102.

42. Dumouchel P.E., Marigo J.-J., and Charlotte M., Dynamic fracture: an example of convergence towards a discontinuous quasistatic solution. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2008. 20(1): p. 1–19.

43. Dupuis N., Décobert J., Lagrée P.-Y., Lagay N., Carpentier D., and Alexandre F., Demonstration of planar thick InP layers by selective MOVPE (Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy). Journal of Crystal Growth, 2008. 310(23): p. 4795-4798.

44. Dupuis N., Décobert J., Lagrée P.-Y., Lagay N., Cuisin C., Poingt F., Kazmierski C., Ramdane A., and Ougazzaden A., Mask pattern interference in AlGaInAs selective area metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy: experimental and modeling analysis. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008. 103(11): p. 113113-1-8.

45. Ferdjani H., Khelifi M. Z., and Marigo J.-J., Etude de l’influence des défauts de petite taille sur le comportement à rupture avec le modèle de Dugdale régularisé. Revue Européenne de Mécanique Numérique, 2008. 17(4): p. 481–494.

46. Fernando R., Marchiano R., Coulouvrat F., and Druon Y., Buzz-Saw noise: propagation of shock waves in aero-engine inlet ducts (Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics). Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1022: p. 99-102.

47. Ferreira E. R., Boulanger P., and Destrade M., Large amplitude love waves. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 2008. 61: p. 353-371.

48. Févotte C., Torrésani B., Daudet L., and Godsill S. J., Sparse linear regression with structured priors and application to denoising of musical audio. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2008. 16(1): p. 174–185.

49. Ganjehi L., Marchiano R., Coulouvrat F., and Thomas J.-L., Evidence of wave front folding of sonic booms by a laboratory-scale deterministic experiment of shock waves in a heterogeneous medium. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008. 124(1): p. 57–71.

50. Ghadi F., Ruas V., and Wakrim M., Numerical solution of the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by piecewise linear finite elements (Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, 2005). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008. 215(2): p. 429-437.

51. Gilchrist M. D., Keenan S., Curtis M., Cassidy M., Byrne G., and Destrade M., Measuring knife stab penetration into skin simulant using a novel biaxial tension device. Forensic Science International, 2008. 177(1): p. 52–65.

52. Gomez T., Pseudo-wave decomposition high-order method for magnetogasdynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 2008. 227(20): p. 8909–8921.

53. Goriely A., Hausrath A., and Neukirch S., The differential geometry of proteins and its applications to structure determination. BIOMAT 2007, 2008. 3(1–2): p. 89-118.

54. Goriely A., Vandiver R., and Destrade M., Nonlinear Euler buckling. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2008. 464(2099): p. 3003-3019.

55. Henninger C. and Leguillon D., Adhesive fracture of an epoxy joint under thermal and mechanical loadings. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2008. 31(1): p. 59–76.

56. Hladky-Hennion A. C., Vasseur J., B. Djafari-Rouhani, and d.B. M., Sonic band gaps in one-dimensional phononic crystals with a symmetric stub. Physical Review B, 2008. 77(10): p. 104304.

57. Jouhaud J.-C., Sagaut P., Enaux B., and Laurenceau J., Sensitivity analysis and multiobjective optimization for LES numerical parameters. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2008. 130(2): p. 021401.

58. Ko J., Lucor D., and Sagaut P., Sensitivity of two-dimensional spatially developing mixing layers with respect to uncertain inflow conditions. Physics of Fluids, 2008. 20(7): p. 077102-1-20.

59. Krasnov D., Rossi M., Zikanov O., and Boeck T., Optimal growth and transition to turbulence in channel flow with spanwise magnetic field. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2008. 596: p. 73-101.

60. Laurenceau J. and Sagaut P., Building efficient response surfaces of aerodynamic functions with kriging and cokriging. AIAA Journal, 2008. 46(2): p. 498–507.

61. Le Moyne L., Freire V., and Queiros-Conde D., Fractal dimension and scale entropy applications in a spray Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2008. 38(3): p. 696-704

62. Leblond J.-B. and Gologanu M., External estimate of the yield surface of an arbitrary ellipsoid containing a confocal void. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(11–12): p. 813-819.

63. Leblond J.-B. and Markenscoff X., Duality, inverse problems and nonlinear problems in solid mechanics - Preface. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(1–2): p. 3-+.

64. Leblond J.-B. and Mottet G., A theoretical approach of strain localization within thin planar bands in porous ductile materials. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(1–2): p. 176-189.

65. Leguillon D., A damage model based on singular elastic fields. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2008. 336(3): p. 283-288.

66. Leguillon D. and Murer S., A criterion for crack kinking out of an interface (Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics). Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics VII, 2008. 385–387: p. 9–12.

67. Leguillon D. and Murer S., Crack deflection in a biaxial stress state (Proc. of the Interquadrennial Conference of the International Congress on Fracture Machanics in Design of Fracture Resistant Materials and Structures, 2007). International Journal of Fracture, 2008. 150(1–2): p. 75–90.

68. Leguillon D. and Piat R., Fracture of porous materials - Influence of the pore size (Proc. of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, 2006). Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008. 75(7): p. 1840–1853.

69. Levasseur V., Sagaut P., Mallet M., and Challot F., Unstructured large-eddy simulation of the passive control of the flow in a weapon bay (Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on Undteady Separated Flows and their Control). Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2008. 24(8): p. 1204–1215.

70. Leveau P., Vincent E., Richard G., and Daudet L., Instrument-specific harmonic atoms for mid-level music representations. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2008. 16(1): p. 116–128.

71. Lopez-Realpozo J. C., Rodriguez-Ramos R., Bravo-Castillero J., Guinovart-Diaz R., Pérez-Fernandez L., Sabina F. R. J., and Maugin G. A., Effective properties of non-linear elastic laminated composites with perfect and imperfect contact conditions. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2008. 15(5): p. 375–385.

72. Lucor D. and Triantafyllou M. S., Riser response analysis by modal phase reconstruction. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2008. 130(1): p. 011008.

73. Lucor D. and Triantafyllou M. S., Parametric study of a two degree-of-freedom cylinder subject to vortex-induced vibrations (Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on Undteady Separated Flows and their Control). Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2008. 24(8): p. 1284-1293.

74. Machrafi H. and Cavadias S., An experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of the inlet temperature, equivalence ratio and compression ratio on the HCCI auto-ignition process of Primary Reference Fuels in an engine. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008. 89(11): p. 1218-1226.

75. Machrafi H. and Cavadias S., Three-stage autoignition of gasoline in an HCCI engine: An experimental and chemical kinetic modeling investigation. Combustion and Flame, 2008. 155(4): p. 557-570.

76. Machrafi H., Cavadias S., and Guibert P., An experimental and numerical investigation on the influence of external gas recirculation on the HCCI autoignition process in an engine: Thermal, diluting, and chemical effects. Combustion and Flame, 2008. 155(3): p. 476–489.

77. Machrafi H., Cavadias S., and Guibert P., An experimental and numerical analysis of the HCCI auto-ignition process of primary reference fuels, toluene reference fuels and diesel fuel in an engine, varying the engine parameters. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008. 89(11): p. 1007–1016.

78. Machrafi H., Guibert P., and Cavadias S., HCCI Engine Modeling and Experimental Investigations - Part 2: The Composition of a NO-PRF Interaction Mechanism and the Influence of NO in EGR on Auto-Ignition. Combustion Science and Technology, 2008. 180(7): p. 1245–1262.

79. Mamou-Mani A., Frelat J., and Besnainou C., Numerical simulation of a piano soundboard under downbearing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008. 123(4): p. 2401-2406.

80. Mao X., Goudot G., De Isla N., Li Z., Challande P., Regnault V., Lacolley P., and Louis H., Cyclic mechanical stretch-induced contractile differentiation is coupled with an increased expression of integrin beta 1, beta 3 and alpha v in vascular smooth muscle cells (Meeting abstract). Hypertension, 2008. 52(4): p. 756-756.

81. Marchiano R., Coulouvrat F., Ganjehi L., and Thomas J.-L., Numerical investigation of the properties of nonlinear acoustical vortices through weakly heterogeneous mediaNumerical investigation of the properties of nonlinear acoustical vortices through weakly heterogeneous media. Physical Review E, 2008. 77(1): p. 016605.

82. Marchiano R. and Thomas J.-L., Doing arithmetic with nonlinear acoustic vortices. Physical Review Letter, 2008. 101(6): p. 064301.

83. Marchiano R. and Thomas J.-L., Effects of the parametric interaction on the toplogical charge of acoustical vortices (Proc. of the 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics). Nonlinear Acoustics Fundamentals and Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008. 1022: p. 127–130.

84. Martin E., Poitou B., Leguillon D., and G.J. M., Competition between deflection and penetration at an interface in the vicinity of a main crack. International Journal of Fracture, 2008. 151(2): p. 247–268.

85. Martin V., Mapagha S., and Moulet M. H., Parametric study of forces applied to a host structure by a vibratory component. Proceedings of ISMA 2008: International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2008. 1–8: p. 3585-3596.

86. Maugin G. A., On phase, action, and canonical conservation laws in kinematic-wave theory. Low Temperature Physics, 2008. 34(7): p. 571–574.

87. Maugin G. A. and Berezovski A., Introduction to the thermomechanics of configurational forces. Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina Fiz. Mat. Nat., 2008. LXXXVI(MS.CISO801016 – Suppl.1): p. 1–17.

88. Maugin G. A. and Restuccia L., Thermodynamics of inhomogeneous ferroelectrics. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2008. 3(6): p. 1113–1123.

89. Mercier N., El Hadri K., Osborne-Pellegrin M, Nehme J., Perret C., Labat C., Regnault V., Lamaziere J.-M. D., Challande P., Feve B., and Lacolley P., Response to lysyl oxidase inhibition is responsible for the vascular elastic fiber phenotype. Hypertension, 2008. 51(2): p. E14-E14.

90. Morin C., Modica V., and Guibert P., Measurement of exhaust gas recirculation rate by laser-induced fluorescence in engine. Measurement Science & Technology, 2008. 19(105105).

91. Neukirch S. and Goriely A., La chiralité des protéines fibreuses : une affaire d’élasticité. Reflets de la physique, 2008. 9(11–13): p. 11–13.

92. Neukirch S., Goriely A., and Hausrath A., Elastic coiled-coils act as energy buffers in the ATP synthase. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2008. 43(10): p. 1064–1073.

93. Neukirch S., Goriely A., and Hausrath A. C., Chirality of coiled-coils: elasticity matters. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 100(3): p. 038105.

94. Neukirch S. and Starostin E. L., Writhe formulas and antipodal points in plectonemic DNA configurations. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 2008. 78(4 #1): p. 041912.

95. Nguyên X. L., Rakotonanahary D., Chaskalovic J., Philippe C., Hausser-Hauw C., Lebeau B., and Fleury B., Residual subjective daytime sleepiness under CPAP treatment in initially somnolent apnea patients: A pilot study using data mining methods. Sleep Medicine, 2008. 9 (5): p. 511-516.

96. Nowak L., Guibert P., Cavadias S., Dupré S., and Momique J.-C., Methodology development of a time-resolved in-cylinder fuel oxidation analysis: Homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion study application. Combustion and Flame, 2008. 154(3): p. 462–472.

97. Ottenio M., Destrade M., and Ogden R. W., Incremental magnetoelastic deformations, with application to surface instability. Journal of Elasticity, 2008. 90(1): p. 19–42.

98. Pindra N., Lazarus V., and Leblond J.-B., The deformation of the front of a 3D interface crack propagating quasistatically in a medium with random fracture properties. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008. 56(4): p. 1269-1295.

99. Pomeau Y., Jamin T., Le Bars M., Le Gal P., and Audoly. B., Law of spreading of the crest of a breaking wave. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2008. 464(2095): p. 1851-1866.

100. Porubov A. V. and Maugin G. A., Improved description of longitudinal strain solitary waves (Proc. of EUROMECH Colloquium 484, 2007). Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008. 310(3): p. 694-701.

101. Priel E., Yosibash Z., and Leguillon D., Failure initiation at a blunt V-notch tip under mixed mode loading. International Journal of Fracture, 2008. 149(2): p. 143–173.

102. Ravelli E., Richard G., and Daudet L., Union of MDCT bases for audio coding. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2008. 16(8): p. 1361–1372.

103. Reis P. M., Audoly B., and Roman B., Cracking sheets: Oscillatory fracture paths in thin elastic sheets. Chaos, 2008. 18(4): p. 041108.

104. Reis P. M., Audoly B., and Roman B., Cracking sheets: oscillatory fracture paths in thin elastic sheets. Chaos, 2008. 18(4): p. 041108.

105. Rollet F., Morlat-Therias S., Gardette J.L., Fontaine J.-M., Perdereau J., and Polack J.-D., Identification of parameters involved in the photochemically induced degradation of CD-R phthalocyanine dye. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2008. 9(3): p. 234–243.

106. Scheibert J., Prevost A., Frelat J., R. P., and Debregeas G., Experimental evidence of non-Amontons behaviour at a multi-contact interface. EPL, 2008. 83(3): p. 34003.

107. Sepulveda N., Josserand C., and Rica S., Nonclassical rotational inertia fraction in a one-dimensional model of a supersolid. Physical Review B, 2008. 77: p. 054513.

108. Shim J. W. and Gatignol R., Microchannel Flow with Lattice Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Method. AIP Conference Proceedings, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2008. 1084: p. 1033–8.

109. Spalatelu M., Léné F., and Turbé N., Modelling and optimization of sails (Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2006). Computers & Structures, 2008. 86(13–14): p. 1486-1493.

110. Staron L., Correlated motion in the bulk of dense granular flows. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 2008. 77(5, 1): p. 051304.

111. Staron L., Mobility of long-runout rock flows: a discrete numerical investigation. Geophysical Journal International, 2008. 172(1): p. 455-463.

112. Sturm B. L., Shynk J. J., Daudet L., and Roads C., Dark energy in sparse atomic decompositions. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2008. 16(3): p. 671–676.

113. Thi T. H. V, Rouet J.-L., Brault P., Bauchire J.-M., Cordier S., and J. C., A continuous non-linear shadowing model of columnar growth. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008. 41(2): p. 022003.

114. Toutant A. and Sagaut P., Lattice Boltzmann simulations of impedance tube flows. Computers & Fluids, 2008. 38(2): p. 458–465.

115. Vallet I., Reynolds-stress modelling of M=2.25 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2008. 56(5): p. 525–555.

116. Vallet I., Reynolds-Stress modeling of three-dimensional secondary flows with emphasis on turbulent diffusion closure (correction vol 74(6), pg 1142-56, 2007). Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2008. 75(4): p. 047001.

117. Vidoli S. and Maurini C., Tristability of thin orthotropic shells with uniform initial curvatures. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2008. 464(2099): p. 2949-2966.

118. Vincent S., Larocque J., Lacanette D., Toutant A., Lubin P., and Sagaut P., Numerical simulation of phase separation and a priori two-phase LES filtering (Proc. of 1st Turbulence and Interactions Conference, 2006). Computers & Fluids, 2008. 37(7): p. 898-906.

119. Yonggang D., Boitout F., Leblond J.-B., and Bergheau J.-M., Numerical simulation of welding of large structures using a local/global approach. Mecanique & Industries, 2008. 9(2): p. 97–102.

120. Zhang V., Dubus B., Collet B., and Destrade M., Piezoacoustic wave spectra using improved surface impedance matrix: Application to high impedance-contrast layered plates. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008. 123(4): p. 1972-1982.

121. Zouari R., Dumontet H., and Ben Hamida A., A micromechanical iterative approach for the behavior of poly-dispersed materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008. 45(11–12): p. 3139-3152.

Conférences et manifestations organisées par "∂'Alembert, la Science à l'échelle humaine"




  • ∂'Alembert R. Brenner et l'équipe MISES organisent : https://aussois2025.sciencesconf.org/
  • ∂'Alembert et la SFA organisent le Congrès Français d'Acoustique 2025 https://cfa2025.fr
  • ∂'Alembert et C. Maurini, L. Gélébart et R. Masson (CEA) organisent le 1er février 2024, la journée Séminaire « Modélisation et simulation de l’endommagement fragile des microstructures »


  • ∂'Alembert et Nicolas Auffray organisent le 27 Novembre, la journée de lancement du GDR ArchiMeta dédié aux Métamateriaux Architecturés qui aura lieu à l’institut de Physique du Globe
  • ∂'Alembert and C. Maurini oragnisent "Variational Fracture Mechanics and Phase-Field Models” la CISM-ECCOMAS Summer School 2024.
  • ∂'Alembert et Boris Desmorat organisent les 22-23-24 Novembre prochain la  rencontre du GDR GDM (Géométrie différentielle pour la mécanique) https://gdr-gdm.univ-lr.fr/paris-2023/ qui aura lieu à SU 
  • ∂'Alembert and C. Maurini and the GDR MePhy organize a thematic day Phase-field models of sharp interfaces in fluid and solids on December 15, 2023 in Paris (Jussieu) Details and registration here
  • ∂'Alembert announces that the (6th) Basilisk (Gerris) Users' Meeting will be held in Paris from the 5th to 7th of July 2023. Please see this page for details, preliminary program and registration:
  • ∂'Alembert organise  l'école INTERFREEZE : Thematic Summer School named Freezing & Interfaces which will take place in Cargèse, Corsica, on May 1-5, 2023.  The objective of this school is to present the fundamentals, the latest theoretical advances and experimental activities in the field of ice formation in capillary systems (drop, film, foam, porous media) and heterogeneous mixtures (solution, suspension, emulsion, granular).   https://interfreeze.sciencesconf.org/registration
  • ∂'Alembert et Renald Brenner, et  Nicolas Auffray organisent avec la F2M  le 13 Février  à l’Institut ∂’Alembert sur le campus de Jussieu la journée  "Approches multi-échelles en mécanique des matériaux"  avec Lionel Gélébart (CEA) : AMITEX_FFTP : Application à la prise en compte de bandes de glissement en plasticité cristalline et Extensions et Azdin Nait-Ali (Institut P’) : Méthodes mathématique pour la transition d’échelle  (approches variationnelles et asymptotiques)
    L’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire (pour la logistique) :
  • ∂'Alembert est associé à l’organisation annuelle de l'école d’été de Quiberon  http://atm.ida.upmc.fr/Intervenants.html




  • ∂'Alembert co organise avec le GDR Mecabio Santé les 1ères rencontres annuelles du GDR à Sorbonne Université, du mercredi 30 novembre au vendredi 2 décembre 2002. Deux minis-symposia sont organisés cette année : Translation de la biomécanique vers la clinique et les études cellulaires et IA en Santé.https://gdr-mecabio-sante.cnrs.fr   (https://www-liphy.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/gdr-mecabio/themes.html)
  • ∂'Alembert  et Sébastien Neukirch organise le Mini-symposium "Mechanics and Physics of Structures" lors de la 11ème ESMC https://www.esmc2022.org/ms-3-5
  • ∂'Alembert organise les "∂'Alembertiennes/ DDAYS21" les 28, 29 & 30 juin à Villers
  • ∂’Alembert a co-organisé la 11ème école de mécanique théorique à Quiberon “Champs de Phase en Mécanique”
    http://www.cpm.ida.upmc.fr/ du 4 au 10 septembre 2022.  École Thématique du CNRS.
  • ∂’Alembert et Jean-Dominique Polack participent à l'organisation des Assises du son les 27 et 28 septembre



  • ∂'Alembert co organise avec François Ollivier et Mme Theresa Emmerich Kamper OPUS un workshop sur les techniques de tannage traditionnelles du 4 au 7 octobre
  • ∂'Alembert organise les "∂'Alembertiennes/ DDAYS21" les 23 & 24 juin à Saint Cyr
  • ∂'Alembert co organise avec François Ollivier, Eléonore Kissel, Responsable du pôle conservation restauration du musée du quai Branly et membre de l'institut OPUS de SU une formation en vibration pour OPUS (http://www.sorbonne-universites.fr/actions/recherche/instituts-de-sorbonne-universites/opus.html)
  • ∂'Alembert organise avec JL Le Carrou et GSAM-SFA (28/04/21) « Spécificités de la pratique instrumentale et vocale en période de CoViD-19 - Évaluation et caractérisation des paramètres entrant en jeu - interaction avec l’acoustique des instruments de musique ? »
  • ∂'Alembert organise avec J-M Fullana et M.Rossi le 18 mars en presentiel à la bibliotheque et aussi en distanciel une journée interface du GDR TRANSINTER  http://gdr2042-transinter.univ-lorraine.fr/



  • ∂Alembert organise avec Claudia Fritz 'Sharpening the scientific tools for violin making Free online conference"  5 - 9 October 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/635580994039640
  • ∂'Alembert organise "Recherches en musique – Rencontres nationales organisées par la Direction générale de la création artistique les 15 et 16 octobre 2020", https://recenmus.sciencesconf.org/
  • ∂'Alembert organises a minisymposium on the Modelling of Atomization, Breakup and Fragmentation of Fluids as part of the WCCM (14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and 8th ECCOMAS Congress) to be held in Paris on 19-24 July 2020: https://www.wccm-eccomas2020.org.
  • ∂'Alembert organises the symposium MS134: Multiscale modeling of plasticity and fracture: A statistical and data science perspective in the joint 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress 2020 which will take place in Paris, 19-24 July 2020. Topics:  data science approaches in failure and plasticity, recent advances in this rapidly growing field and inter-disciplinary interactions.
  • ∂'Alembert Jean-Dominique Polack organisent le 31 janvier 2020 la cérémonie d'ouverture de l'Année Internationale du Son au grand amphi de La Sorbonne, au nom de la Commission Internationale pour l'Acoustique.


  • ∂'Alembert et le Collegium Musicæ : "Concert de l'Orchestre et Chœur Électro-Numériques (OCEN)",  24/10, 13h-13h45, à écouter sur le Campus en Octophonie, confortablement allongé·e·s sur 100 transats vibrants : http://www.collegium.musicae.sorbonne-universite.fr/fr/actualites/ocen-concert.html
  • ∂'Alembert organise un colloque et de concerts sur l'orgue augmenté, les 9 et 10 octobre à Paris, un projet porté par le Collegium Musicæ de Sorbonne Université'. http://www.collegium.musicae.sorbonne-universite.fr
  • ∂'Alembert organise le EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing Symposium (Campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université les 6-7 Septembre 2019) http://sasp2019.ircam.fr/
  • ∂'Alembert vous annonce le workshop international "Fracture in solid mechanics: mathematical and physical aspects" en l'honneur de Jean-Baptiste Leblond (Professeur à Sorbonne Université, membre de l’Académie des Sciences et membre de l’Académie des Technologies). Ce workshop   http://www.leblond2019.ida.upmc.fr/ se déroulera sur le campus Pierre et Marie-Curie de Sorbonne Université, à Paris, du 27 au 29 Mai 2019: 
  • ∂'Alembert organise la séance «Biofluides à l’échelle Macro" au Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique
    qui aura lieu du 28 au 30 octobre 2019 à Poitiers

  • ∂'Alembert organise les "Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique Physique" les 6 et 7 juin 2019 sur le Campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université  : https://jjcap2019.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/6

  • ∂'Alembert organise l'école thématique "théorie du contrôle en mécanique", Quiberon www.tcm.ida.upmc.fr 
  • ∂'Alembert organise BGUM 2019 : Basilisk/Gerris users’ meeting, Paris, 17–18th June 2019, Registration
  • ∂'Alembert organise les "RENCONTRE DU NON-LINÉAIRE (RNL 2019) " du 26 au 28 mars 2019 à Paris, Université Paris-Diderot http://nonlineaire.univ-lille1.fr/SNL/
  • ∂'Alembert et la Fédération F2M organisent le jeudi 18 avril 2019 une journée thématique « Approches multi-échelles en mécanique des matériaux » à l’Institut Jean Le Rond D’Alembert, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris (Salle Paul Germain, 4e étage couloir 55-65).  Détails de la journée sont disponibles à l’adresse http://f2m.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article840.
  • ∂'Alembert organise la conférence ILASS 2019 : 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems


  • ∂'Alembert organise le Séminaire général du Collegium Musicæ, Mardi 11 décembre 2018 Auditorium du Centre International de Conférences Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
  • ∂'Alembert propose avec Hugues Genevois et Pascale Criton, dans le cadre de la résidence de recherche-création de la compositrice au Collegium Musicæ:
    Ne manquez pas l'atelier "Écouter Autrement" ! (Ateliers d’écoute sonotactile ) Jeudi 18 octobre 2018   Entrée libre sur inscription ici.
    Une occasion de découvrir la musique de Pascale Criton avec un dispositif sensoriel rare: écoute sonotactile.
    30 mn musicales, sonores et vibrantes sur le Campus Jussieu.

  • ∂'Alembert et Olivier Adam organisent sur le campus, l'International Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation (DCLDE) of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.  http://sabiod.lis-lab.fr/DCLDE/

  • ∂'Alembert organise en collaboration avec le GdR MePhy et avec nos collègues de l'ESPCI et de l'ENS  cet été au centre de Cargèse une école intitulée "Mechanics & physics of stretchable objects". Le programme détaillé est disponible sur le site de l'école à l'adresse: https://www.mephisto-2018.com/spip.php?page=article&id_article=1

    inscriptions :  http://www.iesc.univ-corse.fr/en/participation/online-registration/iel-login/idecole4/1025/

  •  "Vers une vision variationnelle de la mécanique", conférence en l'honneur de JJ Marigo Porquerolles, 31/05-02/06 2018, www.marigo2018.ida.upmc.fr
  • "thermodynamique des processus irréversibles" Quiberon 16-22 sept 2018, www.tpi.ida.upmc.fr


  • ∂’Alembert organise la rencontre "Nouveaux défis en mécanique de la rupture" avec ses collègues du GdR MePhy,:
    - dans l'amphi Durand du bâtiment Escanglon lundi 27 novembre
    - dans l'amphi Schutzenberger à l'ESPCI mardi 28 novembre.

  • ∂'Alembert fête les 300 ans de ∂'Alembert  le jeudi 23 novembre 2017 dans l’Amphi 25 du campus Pierre & Marie Curie.
  • ∂’Alembert et Renald Brenner organisent le colloque annuel de l’association Mécamat, en partenariat avec la SF2M: «Matériaux numériques. Microstructures et comportements thermomécaniques». 22 au 26 janvier 2018 au Centre Paul Langevin du CNRS à Aussois.  https://aussois2018.sciencesconf.org

  • ∂’Alembert, Laurent Ponson & Matteo Ciccotti (ESPCI) présentent pour le grand public dans le cadre des conférences expérimentales de l'Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes: Lundi 9 octobre à 18h30  ESPCI, amphithéâtre Paul Langevin Casser en s'amusant   www.espgg.org/Les-conferences-experimentales

  • ∂'Alembert, dans le cadre de l'IDEX et de plas@par avec le LPP, organise du 5 au 7 Septembre 2017,

    "1st European Conference on Plasma Catalysis for CO2 Valorisation and Green Chemistry",   CO2 ECPC1

  • ∂'Alembert, dans le cadre du Laboratoire commun LETMA, organise du 13 au 14 juin 2017 une Ecole d'Eté CNRS. Le site web de l'Ecole est:

  • http://www.dalembert.upmc.fr/infrasound2017

  • Symposium IUTAM "Recent Advances in Moving Boundary Problems in Mechanics"  Christchurch, Nouvelle-Zélande du 12 au 15 février 2018. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le site de la conférence: http://www.IUTAM2018.nz
  • Basilisk/Gerris Users' Meeting 2017Basilisk/Gerris Users' Meeting 2017  Princeton University, United States on the 15-16th November 2017.  

  • ∂'Alembert (P. Ballard) organise Ecole d’Eté de mécanique théorique de Quiberon qui aura lieu du 11 au 16 septembre 2017 et aura pour thème l’Analyse Spectrale en Mécanique.  http://www.asm.ida.upmc.fr

  • ∂'Alembert, C. Josserand,Berengere Dubrulle et Yves Pomeau organisent une conferences aux Treilles du 18 au 23 septembre 2017 avec sur « Turbulence et irreversibilité »

  • Conférence-débat de l'Académie des Sciences intitulée "Les simulations "frontières" en mécanique des solides et des fluides", qui a lieu dans la Grande Salle des Séances à l'Académie, le 9 mai 2017 (R. Brenner)

  • ∂'Alembert co-organise le 28 avril 2017, une Journée Facture Instrumentale et Science consacrée au Piano (http://www.itemm.fr/jfis/jfis-piano-2017/), contact J-L Le Carrou



  • 23, 24, 25 novembre 2016  dixième édition des JJCAAS “Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio” à Paris 

     site des JJCAAS : https://intranet.sfa.asso.fr/archives/J93-JJCAAS2016/ contact Camille Vauthrin

  • 5 et 6 Juillet  « atmosphère urbaine »  dans le cadre de la chaire MOUVIE (Mobilité et qualité de vie en environnement urbain). Ce workshop rassemble des spécialistes en épidémiologie, en pollution atmosphérique et en acoustique, contact Régis Marchiano.

  • 27-28 Juin, journées ∂'Alembertiennes Amphi 43, Jam Session 29/06 à 18h30. Contact Raphaël LEIBA, Paul Grandgeorge, Claire Lestringant et Christian Nitschke

  •  ∂'Alembert et L. Ponson organisent la Summer school au CISM à Udine Mechanics & Physics of Fracture (2016)  http://www.cism.it/courses/C1611/
  • Workshop " Modelling the Flood Peril", May 30-31 2016, Paris, France, deux jours sur le risque d'inondation et sa modélisation dans le cadre du JRI AXA. Programme final 

  • 3-4 mai Colloque "New challenges in shear-driven and buoyancy-driven turbulent flows”, en salle 401B 55-65

    co-organisé par ∂’Alembert,  contact Antoine Briard

  • 2 mai Workshop  dans le cadre d’un laboratoire international associé du CNRS (LIA Coss&Vita) une rencontre d’une journée sur les modèles régularisés de la mécanique de la rupture,  campus Jussieu (Amphi Herpin, bâtiment Esclangon), contact Corrado Maurini.

  • ∂'Alembert organise avec Ponson, Kondo la conférence PHASME 2016 Cargese 2016, soutenue par I2CAM et d'Alembert "Mechanics & physics of complex material"s  organisé par M. Ciccotti, B. Roman (ESPCI), F. Lechenault (ENS), V. Lazarus (Orsay) et L. Ponson 

  • ∂'Alembert organise avec CM Casciola (Rome), S. Chibbaro le workshop  CECAM  Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and turbulence,
    Rome September 8, 2016 to September 10, 2016∂'Alembert (P. Ballard) organise Ecole d’Eté de mécanique théorique de Quiberon qui aura lieu du 12 au 17 septembre 2016 sur le thème des Méthodes Géométriques en Mécanique.  http://www.mgm.ida.upmc.fr

  • ∂'Alembert et R. Brenner organisent la 10e édition de la conférence "Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials » se tiendra à l’ENSAM à Paris du 17 au 20 mai 2016  (http://mtdm2016.ensam.eu)
  • ∂'Alembert organise http://www.birs.ca/events/2016/5-day-workshops/16w5090
  • ∂'Alembert organise le 19 mai 2016, le séminaire Archives Patrimoine du Collegium Musicae sur le clavecin (http://collegium.musicae.sorbonne-universites.fr/evenements/evenements-passes/seminaire-du-collegium-musicae-archives-patrimoine-concert.html), contact J-L Le Carrou


  • Summer School on the  Mechanics of generalized continua and their applications to engineering materials and structures Arpino, July 20-26th 2015, Italy: http://www.memocsevents.eu/wordpress/cossevita/inaugural-summer-school-2/  (dans le cadre du Laboratoire International Associé Coss & Vita: http://www.memocsevents.eu/wordpress/cossevita/inaugural-summer-school-2/)
  • Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Generalized Continua and Applications to Materials with Microstructure, Catania, 29 - 31 October, 2015 (dans le cadre du Laboratoire International Associé Coss & Vita)

  • ∂'Alembert et Olivier Adam organisent le Workshop "Folk Music Analysi"s les 10, 11 et 12 juin (matin)  amphi Durand,  batiment Escanglon. avec l'équipe LAM. Programme officiel en document et  informations sur http://fma2015.sciencesconf.org (concert exceptionnel le soir du 11 juin, à partir de 20h dans les caves d’Escanglon du groupe malgache Kilema (https://myspace.com/kilema2)
  • "Ecoulements turbulents cisaillés ou dominés par la flottaison, avec transport de scalaire et confinement éventuel" Coorganisé par Thomas Gomez (IJLRA, Jussieu, Paris) et Claude Cambon (LMFA, ECL, Lyon), les 4 et 5 mai 2015 à l’institut Jean Le Rond ∂’Alembert, T 55-65, salle 311-313.




  • 32ème journée thématique de l'AFVL sur le "Post-traitement des données" à Jussieu le 22 novembre (Philippe Druault)
  • La rencontre "Mécaniciens et Physiciens" sur le thème de la résistance effective des matériaux hétérogènes aura lieu le mardi 12 juin à partir de 9h30 en salle 311 à l'Institut d'Alembert. Plus d'info sur http://compat.pmmh.espci.fr/~mephy/wiki/doku.php?id=rencontres:2012-3
  • Stochastic Methods in Fluid Mechanics July 2, 2012 — July 6, 2012
    Coordinators: Sergio Chibbaro (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France) Jean-Pierre Minier (R&D EDF, Chatou, France)





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