Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

Head of the Departement - Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering


  • RoMarin2 Project : Romarin is a 2nd year teaching unit of the Mechanical degree program at Sorbonne University, dedicated to the design and experiment a small-scale low-cost Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for underwater data acquisition. This 60-hour educational project is only offered to highly motivated students with a strong academic level. The learning method by active pedagogy is based on the work in autonomy by groups of students, thus supporting personal initiatives and collective emulation for the realization of a technological object and the analysis of scientific data. This project allows the development of transversal skills in engineering, combining fluid mechanics, acoustics, robotics and electronics

  • Basics of Fluid Structure Interactions
  • Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
  • Fundamentals of aerodynamics
  • Scientific computing for multiplysics problems
  • Aeroelasticity in Aeronautics  (syllabus

Educational resources

tkaero: An Open Source compressible calculator in Tcl/Tk

  • tkaero computes the classical aerodynamic relations for compressible flows of a perfect gas.
    This application was designed to provide a complementary tool for students in fluiddynamics to the standard tables of compressible flows. Current version includes isentropic flows, both normal and oblique shock relations and the Prandtl-Meyer expansion.
  • The tkaero project is hosted on sourceforge and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Sources and binary filesfor various platforms can be found at:

snap tkaero
tkaero-0.2c: snapshot of the oblique shock module

Flutty: A collection of Matlab programs for aeroelastic flutter and LCO analysis

  • Models: 2DOF and 3DOF airfoils, Goland wing, supersonic panel with nonlinear aerodynamics.
  • Analysis: divergence, V-g flutter analysis, high-order harmonic balance and time-domain analysis of Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCO),stochastic flutter predictions using Monte Carlo simulations.

    papa diag
    Example of bifurcation diagram for the nonlinear pitch-plunge airfoil problem