Director of Research (DRCE2) CNRS Member of team MPIA: Modélisation, Propagation et Imagerie Acoustique
Past research interests:
- Relativistic continuum mechanics and waves
- Electrodynamics of continua, Electro-magneto-mechanical interactions
- Mechanics of deformable solids with ferroïc states (ferromagnetics, ferroelectrics, etc)
- Thermomechanics of continua with internal state variables
- Linear and nonlinear surface waves on deformable structures
Present research interests:
- Nonlinear localized waves in microstructured solids
- Eshelbian Mechanics of continua on the material manifold
- Geometry and thermomechanics of material defects
- Dynamic processes in “dynamic” materials
- Lighthill-Whitham wave mechanics
- Mechano-biology of some tissues (growth of long bones)
- Meta-materials
Permanent research interests:
- Epistemology
- History of continuum mechanics (Piola, Helmholtz, Duhem)
Adresse : Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert Université Pierre et Marie Curie Boîte 162, Tour 55-65, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05. Téléphone / Fax : 52.59 Adresse électronique : gerard.maugin(a) |