Thomas Michelitsch
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Thèmes de recherche :
Main research interest is on the analysis of stochastic processes on networks and complex systems, the study of (generalized) fractional dynamics (such as random walks with long range steps) with interdisciplinary applications.
Call for papers [Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) ] - Special Issue "Generalized Fractional Dynamics in Graphs and Complex Systems"This Special Issue aims to gather research articles or reviews with recent advances in areas such as continuous-time random walks, stochastic motions in networks with long-range jumps, turbulent
diffusion and motions, random search, anomalous transport phenomena, Lévy flights, stochastic motions in directed graphs, epidemic spreading, quantitative models of aging phenomena in living systems, models on fractal aspects of stochastic motions and related topics. For further reading, please follow the link to the Special Issue Website at: If you are interested, please submit a short abstract and tentative title.
Deadline for Submissions: 28. February 2022
Guest Editors:
Thomas Michelitsch - Sorbonne Université, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, CNRS UMR 7190, Paris
Alejandro Pérez Riascos - Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Federico Polito - Dipartimento di Matematica "G. Peano", Turin
New Book
Fractional Dynamics on Networks and Lattices Thomas Michelitsch, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne University, France ISBN : 9781786301581 Publication Date : March 2019 Hardcover 330 pp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SIG42/ERCOFTAC 14th Workshop on Synthetic Turbulence Models and Fractional Dynamics 27th-28th June 2019, Université de Caen, Caen, France
Adresse : Sorbonne Université