

[1] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Modes coupling of shear acoustic waves polarized along a one-dimensional corrugation on the surfaces of an isotropic solid plate, Applied Physics Letters, 93(16), 164101, 2008.

[2] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, On the modeling of modes coupling in dissipative fluid-filled waveguide with corrugated surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(3), 034913, 2009.

[3] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Shear acoustic waves polarized along the ridged surface of an isotropic solid plate: Mode coupling effects due to the shape profile, Journal of Applied Physics, 108(7), 074910, 2010.

[4] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, P. Gatignol, Analytical approach of Lamb waves coupling in rough isotropic plates, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(6), 064902, 2011.

[5] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau,Pressure and shear horizontal guided waves excitation: Nonuniform, time-periodic source distribution of finite extent on the boundaries, Applied Physics Letters, 98(15), 154102, 2011.

[6] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, D. Leduc, B. Morvan, J.-L. Izbicki, Coupling of shear acoustic waves by gratings: analytical and experimental analysis of spatial periodicity effects, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 97(5), 717-727, 2011.

[7] J. Higuet, T. Valier-Brasier, T. Dehoux, B. Audoin, BDD and Deflectometry measurements of high frequency Surface Acoustic Waves, Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(11), 114905, 2011.

[8] T. Valier-Brasier, T. Dehoux, B. Audoin, Scaled behavior of interface waves at an imperfect solid-solid interface, Journal of Applied Physics, 112(2), 024904, 2012.

[9] M. Guédra, T. Valier-Brasier, J.M. Conoir, F. Coulouvrat, K. Astafyeva, J.L. Thomas, Influence of shell compressibility on the ultrasonic properties of polydispersed suspensions of nanometric encapsulated droplets, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(3), 1044-1055, 2014.

[10] T. Valier-Brasier, J.M. Conoir, F. Coulouvrat, J.L. Thomas, Sound propagation in dilute suspensions of spheres: Analytical comparison between coupled phase model and multiple scattering theory, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(4), 2598-2612, 2015.

[11] V. Aubert, R. Wunenburger, T. Valier-Brasier, D. Rabaud, J.-P. Kleman, C. Poulain, A simple acoustofluidic chip for microscale manipulation using evanescent Scholte waves, Lab on a Chip 16(13), 2532-2539, 2016.

[12] M. Duranteau, T. Valier-Brasier, J.M. Conoir, R. Wunenburger, Random acoustic metamaterial with a subwavelength dipolar resonance, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(6), 3341-3352, 2016.

[13] F. Luppé, T. Valier-Brasier, J.-M. Conoir, P. Pareige, Coherent wave propagation in viscoelastic media with mode conversions and pair-correlated scatterers, Wave Motion 72, 244–259, 2017.

[14] T. Valier-Brasier, J.-M. Conoir, Propagation of coherent transverse waves: Influence of the translational and rotational subwavelength resonances, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(2), 512-522, 2017.

[15] T. Lacour, M. Guédra, T. Valier-Brasier, F. Coulouvrat, A model for acoustic vaporization dynamics of a bubble/droplet system encapsulated within a hyperelastic shell, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(1), 23-37, 2018.

[16] G. Lefebvre, R. Wunenburger, T. Valier-Brasier, Ultrasonic rheology of visco-elastic materials using shear and longitudinal waves, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 241906, 2018.

[17] T. Valier-Brasier, J.-M. Conoir, Resonant acoustic scattering by two spherical bubbles, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(1), 301-311, 2019.

[18] A. Rohfritsch, J.-M. Conoir,  R. Marchiano, T. Valier-Brasier, Numerical simulation of two-dimensional multiple scattering of sound by a large number of circular cylinders, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(6), 3320-3329, 2019.

[19] A. Simon, G. Lefebvre,  T. Valier-Brasier, R. Wunenburger,  Viscoelastic shear modulus measurement of thin materials by interferometry at ultrasonic frequencies, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(5), 3131-3140, 2019.

[20] A. Rohfritsch, J.-M. Conoir,  T. Valier-Brasier, R. Marchiano, Influence of the microstructure of two-dimensional random heterogeneous media on propagation of acoustic coherent waves, Physical Review E 101, 023001, 2020.

[21] T. Lacour, T. Valier-Brasier, F. Coulouvrat, Ultimate fate of a dynamical bubble/droplet system following acoustic vaporization, Physics of fluids 32, 051702, 2020.

[22] A. Rohfritsch, J.-M. Conoir,  T. Valier-Brasier, R. Marchiano, Impact of particle size and multiple scattering on the propagation of waves in stealthy-hyperuniform media, Physical Review E 102, 053001, 2020.     

[23] A. Simon, R. Wunenburger, T. Valier-Brasier, Propagation of coherent shear waves in scattering elastic media, Physical Review E 103, L051001, 2021.

[24] A. Rohfritsch, J.M. Conioir, T. Valier-Brasier, R. Pierrat, R. Marchiano, Propagation of scalar waves in dense disordered media exhibiting short- and long-range correlations, Physical Review E 103, 064138, 2021.

[25] T. Valier-Brasier, A. Rohfritsch, J.M. Conioir, R. Marchiano, Propagation of coherent longitudinal and shear waves in two-dimensional elastic media with randomly distributed resonant cavities, Physical Review B 105, 054310, 2022.

[26] F. Luppé, J.-M. Conoir, T. Valier-Brasier, Longitudinal and transverse coherent waves in media containing randomly distributed spheres, Wave Motion 115, 103082, 2022.

[27] L. Alhaïtz, J.-M. Conoir, T. Valier-Brasier, Experimental evidence of isotropic transparency and complete band gap formation for ultrasound propagation in stealthy hyperuniform media, Physical Review E 108, 065001, 2023.

[28] Q. Baudis, T. Valier-Brasier, R. Wunenburger, Thorough ultrasonic rheology of soft, visco-elastic materials: Example of crosslinked Polyurethane elastomer, Ultrasonics 137, 107166, 2024.

[29] V. Pinfield, T. Valier-Brasier, Multi-mode multiple wave scattering in suspensions of solid particles in viscous liquids: part 1 asymptotic results, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480, 20240083, 2024.

[30] V. Pinfield, T. Valier-Brasier, Multi-mode multiple wave scattering in suspensions of solid particles in viscous liquids: part 2: numerical validation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480, 20240106, 2024.

[31] A. Simon, Q. Baudis, T. Valier-Brasier, R. Wunenburger, Propagation of elastic waves in correlated dispersions of resonant scatterers, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155, 3627-3638, 2024.

[32] T. Valier-Brasier, A. Rohfritsch, L. Alhaïtz, J.-M. Conoir, Fabry-Pérot resonances of acoustic waves in disordered slabs, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 041704, 2024.

[33] A. Simon, T. Valier-Brasier, J.-M. Conoir, Elastic coupled phase theory based on the Cosserat equations: Propagation of coherent waves, Wave Motion 132, 103430, 2025.